Handover Ceremony for the Project of Construction of Amala Vocational School for Vulnerable Orphans and Disabled Children in Chongwe District, Lusaka Province



On 19th July 2024, Ambassador Takeuchi attended the handover ceremony of the CIC Amala Learning Academy for “the Project of Construction of Amala Vocational School for Vulnerable Orphans and Disabled Children in Chongwe District, Lusaka Province”. The project was funded under Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). The ceremony was  attended by distinguished guests including Ms. Khadija Mvula, Assistant Director of Department of Vocational Education and Training (VET) representing Honourable Felix Mutati and His Worship Christopher Habeenzu, the District Mayor of Chongwe.
The recipient organisation, the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception Sisters (CIC), has been serving for the communities in Zambia since 1994. They have contributed to many activities including establishing and managing an orphanage and schools for vulnerable children. The establishment of the CIC Amala Learning Academy for the persons with various disabilities is their nineth project, and the Government of Japan provided the grant for the construction of seven classrooms in a block with inclusive design. Every year, with this new school, more than 250 youth with disabilities and with vulnerable family backgrounds will be able to access vocational trainings such as cooking, tailoring, hand craft, performing, gardening, hospitality and ICT.
During the ceremony, Ambassador Takeuchi commended CIC’s sincere dedication to the project and to the communities, and expressed his hope that more young people who could  not access vocational training previously due to financial constraints will now be able to complete their courses at this school, helping them become economically independent and  make their future decisions by themselves.

Over the past three decades, the Government of Japan has continuously funded the construction of more than 20 vocational schools in Zambia through GGP, and supported to strengthen vocational skills of the Zambian youth. We will continue to support the efforts of the Government of Zambia to strengthen vocational education and training as well as inclusive education through our various assistance including support to local NGOs.

To read the speech by Ambassador Takeuchi, please click here.